“Folly On, Folly On”


Yo yo yo

Some coffee, some omelettes, some pretty trees, and some news!

CB and I are going to move to Cape Breton in November!!

This island is one of the most gorgeous places on the entirety of planet Earth, but after two and a half years it’s about time to move on. We will miss so many things, so much. We made some really, really good friends here, who I hope keep me in their life because I want to keep them. In a little box, in the attic, forever. Nice and safe.. nice and safe.. my precious……. But if you know us, you know we suffer from a chronic case of itchy feet. I’m not just talking about the fungus, Im talking about the push for new stuff to see and do. It feels sad, but also really deep down good, to think about the next thing. Exciting! Fresh! Bold New Flavours! This is sounding like a Juicy Fruit commercial..


Today we got up and made some breakfast, drank copious amounts of coffee, and talked about the future. It was nice. LOOK AT THAT BREAKFAST! Damn. Then we went out for a wee walk. It was chilly, but with no wind and lots of sun so very pleasent. I took pictures of mushrooms, as I do.


So pretty, the sunshine on the super green moss and blue-white snow. Little mushrooms poking out.


Crunchy crunchy ice.


Spikey moss


Peeking through the trees at the pond

IMG_2076Found this golden mushroom!


Frosty grass, the pond is covered in thin patterns of ice like glass. CB through rocks on it, and they cracked through like a spoon through creme brulee. So satisfying..


Pretty red leaves and black berries


Birchy birches

IMG_2080 IMG_2112

These mushrooms looked so beautiful in the snow

IMG_2126 IMG_2144Ice and yellow leaves
IMG_2143Some snow on the ground, but still leaves on the trees!

Thats the end of the walk. I was going to tell you more about our plans but I think i should probably stop watching this Richard Pryor documentary and get in the shower, get ready for work. Alright alright here I go. SEE YA!

Author: Kara Lalalala

I write this blog for my family cause I am terrible at letters & emails.

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